9/15/24 #

Hey, So today I was thinking about whats the next thing I should be working on to get my game development to the next level. #

So I did some research. #

Art #

- First, I need to work on Art. Art is a huge part of the how the game looks and feels. Implementing a good color pallet to much more. 

Parallaxing #

- Next, parallaxing, Seems like such a daunting task but with a few lines of code I can adjust like clouds based on the scrolling of the camera to make a simple parallaxing effect. 

Smoothly Scrolling Camera #

- Lastly, I can make the camera smoothly scroll based on how far away the camera is from the player. If it is more away then I want it to get to the player faster. But if it is closer I need it to get to the player slower

Code Improvements #

-  First, I need to stop loading Images into each class. I should have a globals or game class that has all the pictures and I use that for each class. For the collision for a platformer I should have a function that returns are the possible tiles around it that I need to collide with. Lastly, For making the level I should make some boilerplate code that will allow me to use the TILED Editor for adding and saving levels to a game much easier or just make my own.

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